Hypervigilance is an enhanced state of
sensory sensitivity accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors
whose purpose is to detect activity.
Hypervigilance is also accompanied by a state of increased anxiety which can cause exhaustion. Other symptoms
include: abnormally increased arousal, a high responsiveness to stimuli
and a constant scanning of the environment for threats. Hypervigilance is a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. --Wikipedia
What does this mean for children with Reactive Attachment Disorder or RAD? First childre with RAD have PTSD. It has been said that untreated PTSD caused the RAD. Second, they are on high alert, all the time. They are constantly scanning for danger and ways to take control--if they have control they feel they will be less likely to encounter danger. I can't blame them. With their early childhoods chock full of danger and lack of control, this makes a lot of sense.
If only scanning for danger was the only thing they were doing. Having RAD means they have a specific set of behaviors or symptoms. Because of the trauma they have endured before the age of 3, these children are unable to trust others and cannot attach in relationships.
Some RAD symptoms can include:
• cannot give or receive affection
• no empathy
• extreme manipulation
• long arguments over ridiculous things
• hypervigilance
• often engaging and charming, but only superficially
• nonsense questions and unrelenting chatter
“mad peeing” (peeing all over the house when angry, years after potty
training and up into teen years—this can happen with feces as well)
• crazy lying and stealing
• little eye contact
• no cause and effect thinking
• poor hygiene
• triangulation
• parents (particularly the mother) seem hostile and/or confused
Severe RAD symptoms are the above and also:
• threatening behavior, particularly toward the mother and siblings
• hurting or killing pets
• abusing mother and/or siblings--physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, sexual
• false allegations
• threatening harm to self or others
What does this mean for mothers of children with RAD? It means they too, have to become hypervigilant to keep the rest of the family safe. It actually is even worse--they have to become more hypervigilant than their child with RAD. As the child grows and develops new behaviors and strategies to keep control, a mother's hypervigilance grows as well, in order to stay one step ahead and keep everyone as safe as possible.
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