Saturday, February 10, 2018

Reiki with a horse in attendance

Last year, I began offering Reiki sessions in our open, airy barn with myself and a horse as the practitioners. The Reiki table is set up in our cute barn and one of our sweet horses is loose in the barn with us. Horses "read" our energy constantly and are very interested in helping us heal. Your horse may stand nearby and lend their loving support, you may feel warm breath on you or even a soft and gentle nose. Often, there is so much more.

I have learned so much from the horses about their own ways of finding the physical or emotional pain stored in our bodies. I have learned to follow their lead and work with the healing energy they are sending to our clients. When I'm doing traditional Reiki I am able to find problem spots in a client fairly quickly but when I'm working with a horse partner--that time is cut in half, at least! They quickly scan and pinpoint the area, pointing it out to me with their nose and they are NEVER wrong. It is an absolute joy to work with such angelic healers. I often feel like a conduit for the horse. I add my own boost but they have SO MUCH POWER. Many horses want to help us but our own fears and often, rules, hold us back from experiencing their true healing nature. In many circles, horses have to "show respect" by standing an arm's length from us or they are never allowed to turn their rear toward us. I understand where this training comes from, and always, safety is of the utmost importance. But when our horses are given space to be themselves and the opportunity to be close to us, they shine in ways most people have never even imagined.

Two quick illustrations: Celita and I were scanning a Reiki client when Celita pointed out her feet. I joined her in that area. She slowly took a few steps away, turned and, just as slowly, stepped back and placed her tail and rear end against the right side of my back. Horses, like people, have chakras and certain horses, like Celita, have a gift of working with them. This is one of the reasons Celita is an excellent Reiki horse. Our client's root chakra (at the base of the spine--human or horse) was blocked and in pain from an old emotional trauma. As we continued to channel energy, Celita began gently leaning back on me, I braced myself and stayed where I was. The client began opening up and telling me what had happened to her. Celita leaned harder. I put my left foot out to brace myself, letting her pour her energy into our client. After about 10 minutes, Celita felt our client had had enough work in that area, took her weight off me and walked a short distance away. I was in awe but wondered if that was it for the day--but no, she came back and continued her work with until the end of the session. 

I wondered if horses had a particular way to discharge any energy that didn't belong to them. I have things I do after coaching or Reiki sessions and horses do too. Sometimes they go roll after a session. I've seen them kick up their heels and run, walk slowly back to the herd, or get nuzzled by the herd. I haven't yet noticed a particular pattern with a particular horse. I'm guessing they just do what feels right in the moment--probably the best bet for any of us in the healing arts!

Celita and I often do this work together, with Wynter occasionally taking her place. She and I have an understanding and trust each other--we have known each other longer. Wynter and I are quickly building that same type of bond and he is beginning to show me his own gifts.

My second story has actually happened with several clients. So many of us have heartaches and the horses feel that in us. Celita and I were each doing our own versions of a scan, when she pointed out the client's heart. I moved to that area with her and began Reiki. Celita moved away, walked around the table to my side and stood behind me. Her head was hanging low over my right shoulder and, because she's a big horse, she reached all the way over so her nose was nearly touching on the other side of the table. She pressed her chest against my back and there we stood for quite awhile, sending healing energy into our client's heart. As is often the case, the client opened her eyes and began telling me the story that related to her heart. Sometimes the telling of the story (which is often a secret) and always the Reiki, helps to open the chakra, relieving stress and physical discomfort. 

The horses and I offer this type of Reiki year round now. Yes, even in the winter! I have a lot of fleece blankets for clients, a pillow, and of course you are fully clothed, so just bundle up! 

Give me a call at 720-635-7015 or send an email to to find out more or set up an appointment!

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